Category Archives for Corporate Social Responsibility

El Sol visited a Residential Institution for Children

Continuing the initiatives through the Social Responsibility Program #ElSolenAcción, volunteers from Corporación El Sol visited Hogar de la Infancia in Panama City on July 27. The residential institution provides care, medical attention, and basic education…
El Sol volunteers visited Hogar Bolívar nursing home in Panama City

Corporación El Sol visited a nursing home in Panama City

Approximately 30 Volunteers from Corporación El Sol visited the Hogar Bolívar nursing home in Panama City on June 24, 2023, as part of the #ElSolenAcción Social Responsibility Program. During the visit, they shared with the…
Corporacion el Sol's volunteers

El Sol cleans the beach of Costa del Este

Volunteers from Corporación El Sol got together on May 20 for a beach and mangrove cleanup in Costa del Este. This activity is part of our Social Responsibility Program, #ElSolEnAcción, which objective is to make…