Category Archives for Corporate Social Responsibility

Island Finance Trinidad beach clean up 2023

Island Finance Trinidad cleans Mayaro beach

Island Finance is happy to announce its participation in the Annual International Coastal Clean-up Day which was held on September 16th at Mayaro beach. The aim of the campaign was to help clean up and…
Seedlings donation in Island Finance Trinidad and Tobago

Island Finance donated seedlings to the San Fernando community

Throughout their existence in Trinidad and Tobago, Island Finance has been committed to contributing to different needs in the community through their social responsibility programs. One of the topics they give priority is helping the…

El Sol visited a Residential Institution for Children

Continuing the initiatives through the Social Responsibility Program #ElSolenAcción, volunteers from Corporación El Sol visited Hogar de la Infancia in Panama City on July 27. The residential institution provides care, medical attention, and basic education…