Island Finance Donated Sports Equipment to Schools
Once again, Island Finance Aruba contributes to encourage physical activity in children through its “Sports with Love” Program. This initiative identifies schools with needs on their physical education platform and donates sports equipment to enhance their sports curriculum. This year, a different methodology was used to identify the schools to receive the donation. Facebook fans were asked to nominate the schools in need. A total of 12 schools were proposed and the following 4 were selected: Scol paso pa futuro, Juliana School, Rosa College and Home School Paradera.
Volleyballs, basketballs, cones, rackets, tennis balls, among others sports equipment, were donated. “For 40 years we have been offering personal loans for Arubans to attend everyday needs. Part of our commitment as a company is to give back to our Island and continue the mission of helping the community through different initiatives as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility Program”, said Ivy Simon, Country Manager of Island Finance Aruba.
Island Finance Aruba ta haci entrega di articulonan di deporte na varios scol! Click link pa mas https://24ora.news/2WUnucX
Posted by 24ora on Wednesday, November 6, 2019